CV - 2024

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My goal is to be a part of the innovative technology scene, leveraging my creativity and deeply rooted math and physics background to drive positive changes. During my recent role at a leading global fuel cell company, I worked in a multidisciplinary team and pursued many projects, from liquid injection molding to particle analysis. In this role, I learned to take initiative and lead in ambitious environments while consistently emphasizing my accountability and meaningful contributions.


3rd Year UBC Engineering Physics, BASc

University Of British Columbia - Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Sept. 2021 – Present

  • Engineering Physics is the bridge between Engineering and Science combining advanced concepts in math and physics while putting them to practical use in team-based projects.
  • Key Courses: software construction, signal processing, mechanics and instrument design

Technical Experience:

MEA Process Engineer Co-op, Advanced Manufacturing

Ballard Power Systems - Burnaby, B.C., Canada
Jan. 2023 – April. 2023

  • Applied a structured approach to qualify an automated robotic Liquid Injection Molding process involving data collection, capability/GR\&R analysis, and ultimately, a presentation of results in a lean Six Sigma environment.
  • Hands-on experience in operating Liquid Injection Molding machines including troubleshooting and control over molding parameters.
  • Developed and implemented automated data analysis in excel, transforming raw data into actionable insights; increasing overall efficiency by 98%.
  • Accelerated production times by 75% through a combination of rapid prototyping 3D printed fixtures designed in Creo and updates to vision measurement system routines in C++.
  • In-depth knowledge on the manufacturing and development of fuel cells

Technical Projects:

Autonomous Driving Robot Competition: 2nd Place

Technologies: CAD, Machine Shop, C++

  • Brainstormed, designed, and manufactured an autonomous robot with a group of 4 to race on the same track as other robots while passively picking up and avoiding objects.
  • Created the entire chassis, ensuring all sensors, circuits and mechanical components function as intended, quickly prototyping drawings into reality by using 3D printers and laser/waterjet cutters.
  • Implemented and tuned a PID algorithm in C++ so the robot can follow tape smoothly through custom-made tape sensors controlled by an STM-32 Blue Pill.

Nand2Tetris: Project Course

Technologies: HDL, Gate logics, Git

  • Designed digital logic circuits using Hardware Description Language (HDL), combining various logic gates and sequentially developing larger components of a modified computer system.
  • Developed an understanding of computer architecture by building a modified computer system from the NAND gate up; learning knowledge of CPU architecture, ALU design, and memory systems.

Canadian Synthetic Biology Education Research Group, SYNB3

Technologies: Python: scikit-learn, NumPy, pandas

  • Assisted in the identification of a cannabinoid that has a high affinity for the human CB1 receptor.
  • Modeled protein similarities through hallucinations using Python, PyMol, and knowledge of organic chemistry.
  • Produced a technical outline with a multidisciplinary team across Canada that organized our results to satisfy real-world demands for potential companies to explore.

Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Competition

Technologies: R, Statistical Methods: Hypothesis Testing

  • Analyzed and statistically compared market data of air purifiers using R to lower costs and increase the efficiency and safety of incoming products for COVID-19.
  • Interpreted how ultraviolet air purifying works, specifically with TiO2 together with multi-walled carbon nanotubes, which reduce the harmful effects of UV radiation
  • Transformed our findings into digestible content by using Python and Matplotlib to be shared in a conference.

Technical Skills:

  • Prototyping Tools: 3D printing, laser/waterjet cutting, SolidWorks, OnShape, oscilloscopes, soldering
  • Languages/Systems: Python, C/C++, Java, Matlab, R, Linux, ROS
  • Libraries: Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, OpenCV

Community Engagement:

Engineering Physics Mentor

University of British Columbia - Vancouver, B.C.
Sept. 2023 – Present

  • Guided 5 first-year students in Engineering Physics, providing academic support and career advice.

Publications and Conferences:

Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Competition (MURC)

University of British Columbia - Vancouver, B.C.
March 2022

  • Authored an abstract and represented our findings in a non-technical presentation.
Daykin, T. D., Holzman, I. M., & Chin, S. (2022). Development of a UV-LED based air purification system: A research study. Undergraduate Research in Natural and Clinical Science and Technology (URNCST) Journal, 6(4), A29–A29.